
Real Estate Social Media October 9, 2019


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Are you struggling to understand how your real estate marketing and sales are performing? Oftentimes it can be very frustrating to find any sense in mountains of data that you hoped will help you fully grasp your agency’s progress. Or even more disappointing, you can often find yourself lacking the crucial marketing stats and so you fail to make the right decisions. That must never happen to any agent, and reporting should show you a clear path to growth, not confuse and mislead. Want to know how to make this happen?

We decided to break down all the marketing data you need into 5 insightful real estate marketing reports with quick explanations next to each. Check them out as they are truly invaluable and will help you build the momentum for moving forward quickly and seamlessly.

Simple metrics, powerful insights

#1: How well is your real estate website performing
Your real estate website is your 24/7 salesman, never tired of showcasing your properties and provide your visitors with the best online experience. You not only need to ensure it’s working properly from a technical viewpoint (we’ll cover that in Report #5), but also understand what’s the value of your marketing efforts that you’re trying to achieve via your website.

  1. Here are a few essential metrics that go under this real estate marketing report. They do a perfect job of providing you with inclusive insights into your marketing:
    top performing traffic channels – was it direct or organic traffic? Or social?
  2. top referral sources – which referral sites brought you the most traffic and leads;
  3. where do you stand with organic search – that’s a very important indicator, telling you if Google considers your website relevant for particular search queries and if it deserves to be ranked high for those queries;
  4. top landing pages – which properties your website visitors are interested in most of all, how many views they get and what is conversion ratio;
  5. your audience’s geo location – incredibly important info for every agent as it both shows your local real estate SEO success and all countries your visitors and buyers come from;
  6. new vs. returning visitors ratio – while attracting new people to your site is extremely important, you should also try to increase the number of returning visitors. People will not buy your properties after seeing your website once. You need to persuade them to come back, again and again, and prove them you’re the best source of really valuable info on what is best to buy or rent in this particular area;
  7. how many pages people viewed and how long they stayed on your website – pretty self-explanatory, right? You’d want both these numbers to be as high as possible;
  8. which devices they use to browse your site – is it mobile devices, or desktop?
  9. your goals completion – set up your goals in Google Analytics to view the progress.

These stats will give you a very good and quick overview of how your real estate website is performing, without overwhelming you with mountains of unnecessary data.


#2: How is your paid advertising performing
You’ve probably already invested some amount of time and money to promote your properties with Google AdWords. Here are the most important metrics to check out:

top performing networks – is it Google search, or search partners?

  1. top performing paid keywords – maybe you can narrow them down to the most profitable ones and stop paying for the rest;
  2. top click-through rate country – where your customers come from;
  3. ads’ best performing days and hours – optimize timing for displaying your ads to save your budget and get more clicks from the right people;
  4. conversion rate – what’s your overall paid advertising success?

#3: What you can do to improve your rankings
Now that you know where exactly you stand with your organic and paid website performance, it’s time to figure out some ways to get it even better. Surely, that’s what your beautiful properties deserve, right?
Take a look at the following metrics as they back up your marketing efforts and show you the right directions to move in:

what is your best-performing page;

  1. which queries people use to find you;
  2. which countries do your website visitors come from;
  3. which devices your visitors use;
  4. how many backlinks your website has.

#4: How is your social media performing
If you’re to get a 360-degree view of your agency’s performance, one of the most essential real estate marketing reports are your social media stats.
The key metrics you can check out are:

1. how your Facebook did – page visits, new fans, likes, demographics and the number of visits your website got from Facebook;
2. how your Twitter did – the number of mentions and the traffic your website got from Twitter;
3. how your LinkedIn did – your followers, likes, comments, shares and interactions as well as how many visits your website got from LinkedIn;
4. how your YouTube did – your subscribers and upload views.

#5: Any technical and SEO problems with your website
No matter how much effort you put into making sure your website functions properly and has no bugs… there’s always a looming possibility they will be, and quite often. Truth is, you shouldn’t dwell on them for too much. The key is to quickly identify the issues and fix them asap. That’s where technical and SEO reporting goes to work.

Here are the most essential metrics to rely on:

  1. what is desktop page speed and how to improve it – page size and load speed;
  2. are there any title errors;
  3. are there any broken internal and external links;
  4. are there any duplicate content issues;
  5. are there any images missing “alt” tag;
  6. are there any redirects to fix;
  7. what is mobile page speed and how to increase it.

How often should you check out the reports?
There’s no single right answer, actually. You can just follow your own pace, as you probably already have a very good sense of which metrics to check out how often. Just make sure you don’t have big time gaps, as you can end up overlooking important trends.

The frequency of checking out your real estate marketing reports also depends on the data you want to track. For example, you can check out the traffic weekly. For all the above reports a monthly frequency works out perfectly well. First, you give the data enough time to populate. Second, you can make much better conclusions because you can see the trends more clearly.

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